Assignment 17 - Elevator Pitch No. 2


On my original elevator pitch, I was given feedback mainly regarding my body posture and hand gestures made during the pitch. I was told to put my hands at my sides when I was not using them to gesture, so that their affect is more pronounced and will be noticed more by those who hear my speech. I agree wholeheartedly with this advice, and sought to change that when recording my newest elevator pitch. I think that body language, especially regarding gestures, is a vital part of effectively communicating to the possible investors listening to my pitch


  1. Hello Schuyler, I do not know why but when I copy the link given in your post, your video do not show up. If I were you, I would text the TA's about it. I had the same problem once and the only thing I do know is that before I upload the video on Youtube, I share it with blogger and it works. Hope you get it fixed and waiting for the real post!


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